Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sunset and Calla Lilies

We had an amazing sunset over the pond this weekend.   I captured a few photos while we were waiting for our ducks to come down from the trees to feed.  After watering all of the veggies down there, we came home to the first purple calla lilies opening their blooms.  They are doing very well in their container. 

I placed three bulbs in the container earlier this springs along with a few day lilies.  The day lilies usually will not bloom the year you plant them, but they are doing their best to grow with the calla lilies.  I am super excited since this is the first calla lily I have had in years.  I can not wait for them to open up and show all of their color.  I think they need a few other friends, so I am searching for a few to plant this fall.  Then, store them in the garage so they will bloom sooner next year.  Seeing them opening up was the perfect way to follow a nice sunset.


  1. Indeed amazing sunset. Getting back to blog after a while and what a treat I get here. When am I getting the cookies :-P? That second picture is super..super...awesome..

  2. Nice calla but it is not really dark purple, mine is also like that.
