Monday, July 15, 2013

First Watermelon

This weekend we found our first two watermelons on the vine.  They were both hiding under a few weeds we cleared out.  Both are around five inches in length, so we have a little while before harvest.  It felt amazing to find our first tasty little treats hiding.  Hopefully we will have a few more producing this week.  We finally got a couple of little rain showers so maybe that will help with growth.  We have rain all around us and the little melons would love another drink.

We have newspaper ready to place underneath them to soak up extra moisture and prevent rotting.  As of now, it does not look like we will have enough moisture to need them in the near future.  The tiny little showers are soaked up in the dry ground very fast and a little movement is all they need so far.  Every few days we will turn them a little to prevent on side from flattening. I like nicely rounded melons. How is your garden after the weekend?


  1. Love those watermelons. Never heard of the newspaper trick. We use plastic lids from containers to keep them off the ground.

  2. After coming back, we are also finding many watermelons. Can't wait to harvest them. Any idea how to tell when to harvest them?
